Le must de la House en janvier.

par Hugo Audoyer

Nouvelle chronique, nouveaux sons et nouvelle année pour commencer avec des best of de chaque genre ! Récapitulatif du mois de janvier par l’équipe de House News. Vous retrouverez la playlist dans le lecteur du dessus.

[divider]The Smoke Seller – Long Road EP[/divider]

Nous allons commencer par l’EP de The Smoke Seller sorti chez nous (E.N.Records) le mois dernier ! Une House bien originale qui peut s’écouter fort ou bien calmement !

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[divider]Jules Dubreuil – Seven Kisses[/divider]

Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six et sept bisous pour votre copine ! Très bon morceau de Jules Dubreuil.

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[divider]Sinusic – Disquo[/divider]

Le patron de Techno News, parallèlement producteur sous le nom de scène “Sinusic” nous sort un énorme track House/Disco de quoi nous rappeler l’été dernier. Le morceau est disponible en téléchargement gratuit !

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[divider]Lil Louis[/divider]

Toutes nos pensées à Lil Louis ! La légende de la House a perdu l’ouïe ce week-end. L’artiste explique comment il a perdu l’ouïe a Manchester (ci-dessous). En bref c’est à cause d’un idiot qui lui a tiré dans l’oreille avec une très puissante corne de brume. Il est maintenant sourd de l’oreille gauche, un fort problème d’équilibre, sa carrière s’arrête donc sur cet accident.

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-Lil Louis:

“Dear Manchester.

I know you wondered what happened on Saturday. I’ll explain. I was really excited to play for you, thus, deeply disappointed that I didn’t. As usual, I landed then went to Soundcheck. As we were about to leave, this idiot came into the booth and without notice, decided to show off a new toy (a very powerful CO2 cannon blaster machine), which seemed 12 inches from my left ear. As he shot it, the compressed air that blasted out of the cannon was louder and more shrill than anything I’d ever heard. It hurt so bad, I jumped in the air and screamed. The pain was followed by an intense ringing and muffled silence. The left side of the room went dead, and I couldn’t hear anything except that ring. I was taken to the hospital, where I spent the night being passed around a bevy of doctors including an ENT specialist. I was diagnosed with SIHL (sound induced hearing loss), a permanent hearing loss, and given a strong steroid medication. I haven’t been able to easily walk straight (my equilibrium is off), so I can’t work out, hold down food, and I’m nauseous and lightheaded. I’ve gone from sleeping two hours a day to being in bed for two days.

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I am fucking upset, because this idiot, (a manager no less) should have known better. And not only did he prevent me from playing for you, he may have ended my career as a DJ and Artist. I’m not looking for sympathy, but to prevent any new rumors from milling, instead of handling it privately as usual, this time I’m sharing the details.

Know that I live for three things, God, to finish this film, and create and play music for you. I’ve been able to handle everything life has thrown me. But I don’t know what will come of this. While writing this, I thought about the Serenity Prayer my mom gave me at 5. I understand why now. This is beyond my control, so I have to accept whatever comes. But I’m praying, because I’ve made the best album of my life, and want to give you that, the film, and the best DJing, which is still in front of me. In two hours, I have to take further tests. Wish me luck…

Musically yours,
Lil Louis.”


[divider]Alex Cruz – All I Knew (ft. Jasmine Thompson)[/divider]

La France se drape gentiment d’un joli manteau blanc… même pas mal, ce morceau d’Alex Cruz nous réchauffera ! Et notre disque dur aussi comme il est en téléchargement gratuit.

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[divider]Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’ (MYNGA Remix)[/divider]

N’arrêtons pas d’y croire et levons le bras puis DANSONS avec ce jolie remix de MYNGA ! Il est aussi disponible gratuitement…

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[divider]MÖWE – Birds Flying High[/divider]

Très jolie reprise du morceau Feeling good de Nina Simone signé MÖWE ! Suave mélange entre une ambiance deep house et une superbe voix de crooner. A partager sans modération !

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